The Beginner's Class Information Page
Visitors since January 2024
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Welcome to the Line Dance Beginners page. You need to have no knowledge of the terminology used in the various dances, everything will be taught to you. These classes are easy to do, they are Fun, and there is no pressure to make you go to a more advanced class in the future, unless you want to. Each dance is taught in an easy and precise way, walking you through every term and step used at a pace that is totally stress free. After a few trial runs of the dance steps, music is then applied to get you used to the steps and the rhythm required. Some Dances have music that uses different speeds, we often start with the slower beat, moving onto the faster music after you have gained practice.There are frequent pauses in the classes so you can have a rest, drink of water or a very quick chat with either the instructor or a fellow pupil.
    Do please try and come along to one of our splendid value venues and experience it first hand for yourself. There are NO joining or Membership fees, it is a totally pay as you go experience.You can come every week or only when it suits you, you are under NO obligation at all.
    Cost of Classes are $ 15 per Session, unless stated on a particular Class Page.
NO Seniors Discount available.
Please note that there will be NO CLASSES
on a Public Holiday

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